What is Theory of General relativity ?

What is Theory of General relativity ?

General relativity is arguably the most successful theory we have for describing the large-scale structure of the universe. It shows how mass bends space and time, forming a fabric called space-time. The massive objects found in the universe, such as galaxies and quasars, distort that fabric to form warp-like features. General relativity tells us these features are caused by mass warping space-time, and this warping acts as a damper on the speed of light within that fabric. If there was no material to inhibit the speed of light within this fabric, then light would travel at the speed of light within it. The longer a light beam travels, the slower it will be, but a light beam can only be as fast as its own length. Since light moves much slower through material than through empty space, light waves will have to be much bigger and weaker than in empty space, and thus light will only be able to travel as fast as the material it travels through.

Most physicists assume that empty space is not actually empty. Instead, it is filled with whatever matter is around it. But because light cannot propagate through matter, they assume that empty space is actually transparent to light. So, if space-time acts as a sort of damper on the speed of light, empty space must be opaque to light. In the case of interstellar dust, this must mean that all of that stuff is transparent to light, and thus light cannot pass through it.

Matter must be transparent or opaque, depending on the wavelength of light it receives. So as light travels through an opaque material, such as interstellar dust, the wavelength will be reduced, creating a shadow of the radiation. Light in this case is not being transmitted, but rather reflected. This idea is known as a light shadow.

The width of the light shadow depends on the wavelength. For visible light, it is on the order of 0.5 kilometers (0.3 miles). For infrared light, it is on the order of 1 kilometer (0.62 miles). 
General relativity is the standard theory of gravity. What happens when you ask someone about the general theory of relativity? No one has heard of it, or even knows that it exists. Does that mean that it doesn't exist? No, because some theories are able to achieve attention by tricking the eye.

By comparison, the existence of a new theory of gravity like quantum gravity does not require trickery or deceit. It's called a theory, and it's right there in black and white. It tells you how to interpret the observation of the universe. It doesn't have to be anyone's theory, it doesn't have to be yours. But people have a hard time seeing the absurdity of the analogy of a universe with only one planet in it. That's not real! You must see that, you must think about it, and you must work to understand it. And if you don't, then you have a problem that requires someone to care enough to point it out.

The sad thing is that people don't notice the obvious when the naked eye sees something obvious. If the sun has a companion, then maybe the only star in the universe does.

To say that there is just one sun out there, and we're just one planet in the solar system, and that the universe is somehow not eternal, and that the sun and the planets are somehow not eternal, and that there isn't a God, is nonsensical. It's also a bad faith argument. It's the equivalent of saying that I believe that some people died because they were poisoned by drinking water tainted by lead from some old cars. That doesn't make it true.

And we all know that there is a God who cares about what happens on this planet. A God who cares about me, cares about you, cares about everyone. But to believe that God cares, you have to believe a God who created the sun and the universe and the people on this planet, a God who cares about people, a God who cares about me. You cannot believe a God who created the sun and the universe and the people on this planet and then decided that it's okay to screw around with it.

You cannot believe a God who created the sun and the universe and the people on this planet and then decided that there wasn't room for everyone on it. There is room. But somehow, it is OK
General relativity requires that there is a region of spacetime in which the theory does not work well, but its theoretical formulation is specific to that region.

Many models based on quantum mechanics, string theory, or extra dimensions assume there is a symmetry that means general relativity is as well integrated as the theory requires.

According to general relativity, space and time are spatially-contiguous and inlaid.

Matter consists of homogeneous objects moving uniformly with respect to the spatial basis.

But in special relativity, space and time are curved.

Consequently, a moving frame of reference cannot remain in homogeneous motion in a closed spacetime region (a black hole) without being affected by the homogeneous (and very slightly stretched) spacetime within.

If the spacetimes are inhomogeneous, a disturbance in spacetime will be felt, and this disturbance will affect the frame of reference in which the disturbance is felt.

Thus, it is not possible to have consistent
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